All About Eyes – An Ayurvedic Guide to Improved Eyecare
There are few things in this life that are as precious as good health. Which is why you need to make every possible effort to live well. Whether this is through a conscious diet, consistent exercise, or feeding your mind with positive energy, or a combination of everything, it doesn’t matter. It’s quite easy to […]
A Guide To Acquire Good Nutrition – The Ayurvedic Way
When it comes to having good nutrition, however, many of us don’t know the benefits of good nutrition and how to go about achieving it. This Nutrition Month, Ashtanga advises paying attention to yourself and seeing what you can do to acquire good nutrition and maintain good health. Ayurveda is concerned with all aspects of […]
3 Immune Boosting Teas To Try This Winter
Tea holds a special place in the Indian lifestyle. It’s taken with breakfast, evening snacks and every time we meet our friends and relatives. Now, the world is shifting to a healthier version of tea, by brewing immune-boosting tea at every household. Daily consumption of this drink is recommended by the Indian Ministry of Ayurveda, […]
The Third Wave – Moving towards Ayurveda
We are in a world which is highly responsive to stimuli. Such a response system cascaded into the present situation of a pandemic which is crashing down upon society or what is the semblance of a society in waves. We in India have faced the second of such a wave and we might be reaching […]
Antioxidants: Things you need to know
What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are essentially your body’s first line of defense, keeping free radicals under control, counteracting their damaging effects, and removing them from your bloodstream. They are molecules that protect other molecules from a chemical process called oxidation. Oxidation can damage important molecules in our cells which are responsible for many bodily functions. […]
Tackling Summer with Ayurveda
As we are in the midst of summer, the scorching heat can affect one’s health in many ways, causing allergies, infections, skin problems, hair fall, and other ailments. Grishma Ritu (summer season) like each of the seasons has its own distinct personality. However, thanks to Ayurveda that practices the science of natural health and has […]
Boost immunity in elders & children with Ayurveda
In today’s times, taking good care of children and elders is of utmost importance. With this pandemic, it has become more critical to focus on their immunity. Not only the present situation but also the climate, food, eating habits and lifestyles are undergoing constant changes. To keep right from our children of all ages to […]